Feb 28, 2020
How confident are you as a coach? Is it unconditional or situation? It is only when your client has an a-ha? Do you feel confident if you pre-think your coaching questions? Jenn and Karen talk about three types of confidence and how to be in the unconditional confidence space.
Feb 17, 2020
Going below the surface of the Inner Critic, this episode is all about how to coach clients to see what’s holding them back. Jenn and Karen explain why action can really be the cure for fear—tackling the uncertainty by doing. Because in the end you can—your client can -- overcome fear by realizing that they may...
Feb 11, 2020
Fear is an illusion. Sure, if you are in physical danger fear is real. However the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of rejection is all stuff we make up. Jenn and Karen talk about how it isn't failure we are afraid of -- it is the not wanting to feel the feelings of failure. Two completely different...
Feb 3, 2020
A follow up to The Voice in Your Head is an A-Hole, this episode focuses on the origin of your Inner Critic—why it came about and what it means. Jenn and Karen break it down with a spot-on anecdote to help you understand why figuring out your Inner Critic can help you or your client step through fear and into (BAM!)...