Sep 28, 2020
Do some of your clients suffer from “lack” thinking? You know … looking at others with that green side-eye and wishing they had … X, Y, or Z? How do you coach around this? Get on the helicopter with us in this episode so we can take a … well … helicopter view of the situation. On the ride, we’re going to...
Sep 21, 2020
Here’s a great, free takeaway from this episode: “People who think abundant thoughts are going to have abundant lives.” So … what are your thoughts telling you? Uh oh! Shhhh … Listen up … because, in this episode, we’re breaking down what keeps people from having an abundance mindset. And,...
Sep 14, 2020
More, more, more… How do you like it? How do you like it? Yes, we just referenced a song from 1975… and, yes, we all just want more, right? People say they want abundance (be it physical, material, or emotional things). The truth is we already have abundance—abundance in certain areas—of good and maybe an...
Sep 7, 2020
Does your personal need for certainty (yes, yours!) drive you to try and create the same comfy sense of certainty for others? We’re throwing this idea out there in Podcastland to see how it lands. Do you feel like you need to make others feel comfortable at your own expense (we’re lookin’ at you people pleasers)?...