Oct 26, 2020
So important right now: maintaining good relationships and connection! We’re moving on to breaking down the Interpersonal composite of the EQ-i 2.0 model of emotional intelligence. It’s all about interpersonal relationships, empathy, and social responsibility. These are your social go-to skills—kicking up...
Oct 19, 2020
Just like Madonna said, “Express yourself.” You know, you know you’ve got to. Right? In this episode, we’re looking at the next composite on the EQ-i 2.0 model of emotional intelligence: Self-Expression. We also touch on the importance of not being a douche canoe (technical term). Self-expression builds off...
Oct 12, 2020
Break out your notebook and get scribblin’. In this series of episodes, we’re sharing the CliffsNotes (remember those?!) versions of the major elements of emotional intelligence (EQ), starting with Self-Perception. Of course, we’re starting with the one that’s all about YOU. We define self-perception (according...
Oct 5, 2020
Ever have someone try to talk you out of your feelings? … “C’mon, don’t be angry.” Uh, what? Hey … emotions are some of the best data for understanding ourselves and others. Why would you want to put the kibosh on that?!! Let’s not gloss over this hidden gold mine. This episode sets the stage for getting...