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KickStart Your Edge: Play to Win Leadership

Jun 28, 2021

Empathy. Stop the sad conga line. It’s not a pity party. It’s about acknowledgment, understanding, and expression. In this episode, we break it down by sharing insights from a coaching perspective. We share where empathy can be a game-changer in relationships at home and at work. And guess what? You can...

Jun 21, 2021

We pulled even more amazing insight from Karen’s niece Jacqueline who is wrapping up her time with KickStart Your Edge. Jacqueline shares more about what the EQ-i 2.0 assessment of emotional intelligence has brought to light for her. She has a new perspective now on relationships—most importantly—with...

Jun 14, 2021

Karen’s niece Jacqueline is back! She’s sharing more of the insight she’s taking away from working with KickStart Your Edge--T-FAR in particular. Jacqueline thinks everyone in the world needs to know this stuff! Why? T-FAR (your thoughts, feelings, actions, and results) is the foundation for how we run...

Jun 7, 2021

Left brain. Right brain. Structure and common sense vs. creativity and big picture. With our special guest (and Karen’s niece) Jacqueline, we’re talking about understanding left vs. right, where our strengths lie, and how to exercise the “other side.” We’ll also share how relying too much on one side of the...