Oct 25, 2021
As promised, coach, we’re comin’ at you with our four-step emotional intelligence process when it comes to problem-solving. Yes! It’s like a roadmap! We’re going to walk you through these steps with a few examples so you can think about how you would coach around it. Reminder to check our EQ-i certification...
Oct 18, 2021
Emotions getting in the way of understanding the real problem? Think about it… which “problems” are you working on that don’t have emotions tied to them? Aha! So what to do, coach? Here’s another emotional intelligence wake-up call. In this episode, we’re talking about separating the emotions and getting...
Oct 11, 2021
Did you know EQ (emotional intelligence) is four times more powerful than IQ in predicting workplace success? Shut the front door! Yep… it’s the skillset that gets you understanding your emotions and your behavior, and EQ is what helps you understand the impact of your emotions on those around you. Top organizations...
Oct 4, 2021
Coaches! Getting to The Thing Behind the Thing (TTBTT) is critical. Unearthing whatever the THING is – not the story – not the “wants” and “ifs” –will deliver the kind of change your clients need. This episode is the audio from our recent Facebook Live. It’s a bit longer than usual but hang with it,...