Apr 25, 2022
Your entire life is nothing more than your personal experience of it. An angle. A way of looking at your life that became much more than just a simple viewpoint. It became an excuse for why you keep falling into the same destructive patterns. But it doesn’t have to be.
Apr 18, 2022
Who’s scamming who? What makes self-reflection challenging is that you’re both the con artist and the one being conned. Whoa…where are we pulling the wool over our own eyes? Jenn and Karen talk about how we are 100% in control of setting ourselves up for success.
Apr 11, 2022
Choose. What are you going to fight for? The past or the future? Your self-sabotaging BS or long-awaited freedom? All of your past is based on how you currently think about the past. Jenn and Karen talk about how your self-sabotaging is just trying to get the pain over with all because you told yourself stories about...
Apr 4, 2022
If you know why you’re stuck and you’re still stuck, that ain’t it. Jenn and Karen take a page from Gary John Bishop’s Unfu*k Yourself calendar and talk about if you know why and aren’t taking action ... what is the thing behind the thing?