Mar 27, 2023
So many things come with a manual, an instruction book, or tips. People don’t. When you have manuals on how people SHOULD behave, you are giving your power away. In fact, when frustrated based on what someone else does, you will create the exact same results for yourself. Listen up and let go of the “should”.
Mar 20, 2023
You 100% create the experience you have in all situations. You can’t control others, however, you can determine how YOU show up. Bitching, moaning and complaining about “leadership” will get you nowhere. Becoming the leader you wish you had, changes everything.
Mar 13, 2023
It's time to use the wisdom you already have. What if you used the advice you would give your younger self as the springboard for the advice you need now to get to the next best version of yourself? It's trippy and oh-so-effective.
Mar 6, 2023
What is brilliant about not knowing? EVERYTHING. A Play To Win mindset is all about becoming the person you need to become in order to actually know. Don’t know what we are talking about, time for a listen.