Jun 26, 2023
A great exercise that helps generate your creativity and imagination is: I like… I like… I wonder…. Stop your black and white thinking and start to get curious. I wonder what might be possible. Learn all the details in this short episode.
Jun 19, 2023
Setting a goal isn’t enough. Goals aren’t about the results, they are about the experience. Are you just checking the boxes to get by or are you going above and beyond? When you step up your game, how do you influence others? It’s time to go the extra mile.
Jun 12, 2023
Small minds and weak people kill dreams. Who is in your foxhole (aka: inner circle)? How do they help you grow and stretch and keep you focused on where you say you want to go? It’s time to evaluate your selection process.
Jun 5, 2023
It only takes one second to make a decision. Time to challenge your thinking and make sure it is a dialogue instead of a monologue. Your mental game can win out over the emotional game in the moment.